First Thing First, Hearing From God, living on purpose, Love, Lyn Garcia System of Success, Praise and Worship, Success

Wisdom for the Long Haul

Wisdom is the key to the kind of life you dream about living. God is the source for everything that has to do with life and blessing and that especially includes wisdom which, as we have seen, is on constant and abundant supply for anyone who desires it. It is simply a matter of tuning your ear to it and applying it to your life.

The Bible contains a wealth of godly wisdom for every conceivable circumstance you will face in your life including matters of family and relationships, finances and career – and is the key to finding inner peace.

Wisdom is the road to a truly blessed life and wisdom is what will keep you there. No wonder Solomon urges us to “keep her wisdom, for she is your life” (Proverbs 4:13).

I trust you can see more clearly why wisdom is beyond price and to be desired above anything else this life can offer. It is found only in God and is readily available in the Bible – His Word – our instructions for life.

I encourage you to take a moment and think about how wisdom can take your life forward. The fact is that the wisdom of God provides the answers to your impossible questions and is the key to unlock your destiny and blessing. All you have to do is ask.

PRAYER: Father, above all else, I desire the wisdom that comes from You and Your Word. Give me ears to hear and eyes to see so that I will recognise Your wisdom when it comes, and the strength to choose her path every day – no turning back.

—from “How To Maximise Your Life” daily devotional

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